Have you ever fallen so in love with a place you want to roll around in it like a dog to get its scent all over you? No?... Just me?
Well, to say I am in love with the dreamy tall trees and vast mysterious forest that is my home, the Pacific Northwest, would be understated. Anything that reminds me of wood, pine, and dirt, I'm all for. Sasquatch-themed, even better. When I was looking for a new order of soap for the store, I was referred to this amazing brand by a pal and the friendship of Paper Dolls & Slate Apothecary was born.

Gina came up with this lovely cedarwood & spirulina soap and when asked what I wanted to name it I blurted out "Squatch Crotch". Welp, it stuck. The ultimate ruler of the forest, Sasquatch, is paid tribute in our new soap bars, now available in-store and online for shipping. Shop here.
These majestic soap bars have organic repurposed sustainable palm oil, organic olive oil, organic coconut oil, organic sustainable palm kernel oil, organic cedarwood essential oil, and spirulina. Almost half of the oil is recycled post-consumer oil from an organic vegan bakery!

We also have Slate Apotho's organic peppermint lip balms available for purchase in-store and online as well.
Shop for that here!