The last time we came down to Sacramento, CA for the tattoo convention, it was a little cooler and I had planned for it to be hot as the devil's balls, so I didn't pack the right outfits and ended up wearing the same yoga pants and hoodie for a week straight. If you saw my trailer on Youtube, you will see how I vowed to never make that mistake again. As someone who considers themselves a recreational style and makeup blogger, it was such wasted opportunity, for an entire vacation's worth of outfits to show off.
I thought- "do better Seanna"
So this year, I did better. I have been keeping a close watch on the weather, planned for warm and cool temps, and brought various shoes, hats, and layers. We are getting some hot ass weather as I sit here in our hotel room writing this. I've got some cute fits to share and will be documenting each one as we go.
The Outfit Deets

Stay tuned for outfit 2!
The Vlog:
*some links are affiliated